Ring a Ring a Rosé
Are bedtime stories getting you down? This one is sure to be your new favourite.
Follow Flocker the Flamingo as she mums her way through the day with the help of a little rosé.
Is she your spirit animal?
Nursery rhymes for today’s mum are here and they couldn’t come soon enough.
Traditional nursery rhymes are full of inappropriate content for kids yet we’ve sung them for years. This book is a fun tweak on the originals which will help you finish off a long day of parenting.
You don’t know the words but you do know the tune so sing along as if you wrote them yourself. The kids will wonder why you suddenly love reading time a little more and you’ll find yourself singing them when the kids aren’t even around.
Ring a Ring a Rosé is a children’s picture book for adults channelling Adam Mansbach’s Go the F*** to Sleep, yet PG enough to read to your little ones.
Available in hard or softcover.
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